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  • lucia

Lucia Here

Hi there! My name is Lucia, I am from Slovakia, currently studying in the US. Top things/activities you will be hearing a lot when around me - traveling, cooking, baking, energies, and dreams. Health, lifestyle, plant based diet and wellbeing are among by greatest interests and that is where the spark to start Let's Talk comes from.

Actually, it's been a long time since I first thought about starting a blog or an Instagram, where I could share my journey of getting to who and where I am today. Place of being aware of the importance of my health and sharing this idea and important knowledge. However, I have lacked the confidence to kick it off by myself. And then I came here, to a school with a supportive and empowering environment giving me the support I needed so much. So here I am, sitting in my tiny, cozy dorm room looking out of the window of the most beautiful campus you could imagine - real life Hogwarts.

Here I am sitting and thinking where my journey leading towards the moment of writing my first posts here started.

When I was younger, primary school or so, the whole idea of healthy food seemed just funny. Yes, I know, ironic. At that time I spent most of my time with my grandparents. My Grandma, being the best person in the world, is a great cook but the concept of her cuisine is very traditional and very Slovak. To give you an insight of this diet - meat, butter, milk, eggs, milk, potatoes, flour and sugar are base of almost every meal. Simply, not very nutritious foods.

When I grew older I found myself questioning these eating habits. I stumbled over the diet culture social media offers us as a magical mechanism of gaining our desired bodies and "health". Today my biggest advice is to ignore them, as they can leave more damage than actual help. The breaking point for me was looking at what harm the words of certified nutritionists, fitness trainers, food bloggers and anyone, literally anyone deciding to give some sort of advice, left behind. Harm and consequences none of us deserve. There must be the right way, I remember longing that answer and trying to heal all of the scars. And there truly was.

Going back to where I should have started, with what we tend to hear all the time - find a relevant source of information. That is when I encountered specialists from the world of revolutionary researches and fascinating methods in nutrition leading towards the true essence of the expression the health and wellbeing. And the knowledge passed on me was life-saving.

There I was improving my relationship with food, maintaining balanced plant-based diet, working on building new habits and mindfulness, methods of coping with stress and anxiety, my sleep routines and overall putting my life together. Every little piece of this puzzle gave me a conclusion of the version of myself, which I adored. I finally loved my routines, my day-to-day experiences, apprecianting little things and having time and the energy to see more then ever. Going through some hardship gave me power and finally having what I always desired - balance, stability, certainty, new passion a space for unconditional growth.

And here I am today, thankful for the route of my journey towards this moment. The moment of taking next step forward - sharing my experience, my knowledge, my advice, pieces of me with everyone and anyone that longs to find what I found within themselves. So Let's Talk.

- Lucia

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